Wilderness Front is an organization dedicated to paving the way for a revolution to end the global technological system, thereby restoring human freedom and saving wild nature.
The technological system is the root cause of all of the principal issues plaguing modern life: widespread psychological suffering, boredom, anxiety, lack of fulfillment, severe environmental degradation, habitat destruction, species extinction, pollution, overcrowding, and on and on. The technological system actively suppresses human freedom and destroys wild nature. As the technological system expands, human enslavement and suffering will increase and wild nature will be further destroyed. Any supposed “benefits” of the technological system are vastly outweighed by its negatives.
The technological system is causing immense human suffering by reducing people to mere cogs in a social machine, robbing them of personal power and erasing all meaningful freedoms. The human spirit is being crushed by enslavement to technological efficiency and the stripping of all beauty and tranquility in daily life. Depression, anxiety, purposelessness, helplessness, hopelessness, and despair are the direct, inevitable result of the technological system imposing its needs on humans and perverting the natural environments in which they have evolved over millions of years to best thrive physically and psychologically.
“The [technological] system does not and cannot exist to satisfy human needs. Instead, it is human behavior that has to be modified to fit the needs of the system. This has nothing to do with the political or social ideology that may pretend to guide the technological system. It is not the fault of capitalism and it is not the fault of socialism. It is the fault of technology, because the system is guided not by ideology but by technical necessity.”
-Theodore John Kaczynski, ”Industrial Society and Its Future”, para. 119.
The technological system is impossible to reform, predict, or control. The technological system is a unified, interconnected whole. The “good” parts of technology cannot be separated from the “bad”—both are integral to the technological system. Continued technological progress will inevitably result in the destruction of all wild nature, and ultimately leave the Earth a dead planet.
“One of the most dangerous features of the technoindustrial system is precisely its power to make people comfortable (or at least reduce their discomfort to a relatively acceptable level) in circumstances under which they should not be comfortable, e.g., circumstances that are offensive to human dignity, or destructive of the life that evolved on Earth over hundreds of millions of years, or that may lead to disaster at some future time.... On the contrary, one of our most important worries should be that people may be made comfortable with almost anything, including conditions that we would consider horrifying.”
—Theodore John Kaczynski, Technological Slavery (2022), p. 190.
Indefinite technological progress is not inevitable. The global technological system is extremely vulnerable and inclined to systemic collapse. After its collapse, there are many reasons why its regeneration will be nearly impossible. It will inevitably break down on its own, but the longer the technological system progresses, the greater the disaster will be for wildlife and humanity when it does collapse. We therefore seek to end the technological system as soon as possible in order to prevent biosphere collapse, restore wild nature, and free humanity from miserable enslavement. We are dedicated to saving both nature and humanity.
We envision a world of vast, untamed nature teeming with life, wide open spaces, clear-flowing streams, unmanaged and unregulated forests and meadows as far as the eye can see, and the tranquility of a starry night sky. This is a world similar to that which existed for millions of years before the dawn of civilization and which can be realized after the collapse of the technological system. In other words, a free and healthy biosphere, where the world flourishes with abundant wild life and humans are capable of realizing the purest and only true form of freedom and fulfillment—a world which will be made possible after the collapse of the technological system.
A life within nature means a life with purpose, dignity, and above all real freedom—the freedom to control our own fate.
The destruction of the technological system is our only goal. All other considerations have no place in Wilderness Front. Consequently, we reject both leftism and rightism, which both advocate for technological progress. We reject all forms of reformism as illogical and impossible. We reject all forms of pessimism and defeatism as counterproductive and poisonous.
We do not advocate, condone, or support illegal action of any kind. This is a strictly legal group.
Read the essay “Industrial Society and Its Future” for further clarification on these stances. We also strongly recommend reading the following books:
Technological Slavery
“Logical, lucid, and direct, Technological Slavery is more than an expansion on the ideas set forth by Theodore Kaczynski in Industrial Society and Its Future (a.k.a. the “Manifesto”). It radically reinvigorates and reforms the intellectual foundations of an age-old and resurgent world-view: “Progress” is a myth. Wild nature and humanity (including human freedom, dignity, and autonomy) are fundamentally incompatible with technological growth. It argues why a revolution against modern technology—against the techno-industrial system in its entirety—is the only realistic way to save humanity and the biosphere from total disaster.”
Anti-Tech Revolution: Why and How
“There are many people today who see that modern society is heading toward disaster in one form or another, and who moreover recognize technology as the common thread linking the principal dangers that hang over us… The purpose of this book is to show people how to begin thinking in practical, grand-strategic terms about what must be done in order to get our society off the road to destruction that it is now on.”
-From the Preface
See “Books” for a directory of foreign language translations of these works.